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Choices - A "Mind" Made Decision.

Day#22 "choice noun an act of choosing between two or more possibilities." Choices are something that we all go through, what defines these choices are the thoughts which collectively form during the process of making that decision the various variables which alter the choice we take are the parameters what define us. It’s the purest expression of free will -- the freedom to choose allows us to shape our lives exactly how we wish (provided we have the resources to do so). "It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. J. K. Rowling " We often come up on fork roads where we have to make a decision to move forward in life; the choices we make then decide our next move. However how often do we regret the choices we've made? It’s because our mind gives way to differentiate the circumstances we’ve faced with what could have happened if we had taken the other route. We make choices all through our lives, right fr...

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