Success At it's Best


Guys today am gonna share my views on the term Success, to all those entrepreneurs and changemakers of life this isn’t the same success that everyone else talks about. This is about the success that we consider and take into account when we start planning of how to get our goals done.

Success at its best, what do we define by the word Success?

Success has its own definition and it differs from one person to another. Not that there isnt a definitive meaning to the word success,
The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

When we achieve our goals or aim that we set, it’s called a success, But the true story behind the word success is that it’s not a onetime process.

I have to learn geography for my exam!  

In this statement the accomplishment would be when the person clears  through the exam with flying colors.

But the goal set wasn’t for the exam! It was to learn Geography.

And that goal is attained when you do finish learning about geography,

Success Plan

This is term Success Plan, as every plan might or might not succeed. It all depends upon the success plan weather it was chosen with a wise decision or not.Answering the big questions  The WHY? The HOW? The When? The WILL?

There are people who have more knowledge than what their educational qualification states. Categorizing people under section based on their success rate is one of the most poorest form of segregation every organization does.

Success Stories across the globe have taught us only one major ideology,


Success isn’t about finishing your degree; it’s about why you took that degree in the first place.
Success has always and will always have a back story to it.

Every action we take and every step we plan to make something work will have a success plan at the end.
Half of the Engineers in the current world took up Engineering not to be Bill Gates or to be Mark Zuckerberg, but just to earn money. So until you complete the goal that you had set we are still in the plan phase where it hasn’t been completed. The Minute you get a Job and get the pay that you had always wanted, Success???

Nope,Guys success is just another dream that we all have and wish to catch up to.After Job,Money,Marriage,Kids,Family,Savings.. the list goes on.

No one achieves Success in reality.

The only Success one can achieve is gaining Happiness in Living the Wonderful life a lot of people lack.

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