Failure, Be The Lesson
Not everything and everyone you love and adore would understand you always, there are times where you would possibly go overboard and try to do something which ends up hurting them or yourself for all that matters.
Remember guys,
Failure cannot be achieved at all points, there are times when your work gets better of you. or some stress gets over to your head and kills your mood and spoiling everything on its not gonna discuss the ways you could block out failures,I believe in a thumb rule,
failures are the stepping stones to success
It's Human Nature "To Do"things when Asked "Not To Do"
They say as we grow up, We become mature and understanding and realize the reality of life! Guys, How many of us still wish for magic powers?, Still wish a miracle happens during exams to reschedule it,? Best of all, Who still thinks their magic powers are yet to be revealed.
We all do all have that special power, within ourselves?
Remember our mentors? Who are they?
Normal humans... just like us. Yet ,why do we look up to them.?? because they are heroes in their own ways...That's what makes us look beyond the fact that they are "just another human being".To get to that position we must be capable of doing the things which every superhero goes through before becoming one!!-BatMan- SuperMan- SpiderMan-Iron Man-Flash-
-Green Arrow-Captain America-
Consider any of the superheroes above,what do you think was there to make them into a superhero??
The Push, The Motivation, The Necessity, The Show-Off, The Responsibility, The etc;
They had a huge part of their lives failed to become into something that awesome,so unless and until your gonna have a failure in life.It's pretty hard to get into the Hall of Fame If you really wanna Get The Push On Guys!
Remember Nothing is failure until you learn something from it,Until then Its just a Opportunity lost,Not a stepping stone.
I've Drifted away from the topic because its not healthy for an entrepreneur to have negative vibes.